Wednesday, July 23, 2014

MUFE Adventure.

For a countless number of times, I've helped out at MUFE by lending my face to their students to practice their makeup skills on. In return, I get make up vouchers. Not bad of a deal I'd say, I get quality makeup at a cheaper rate, their product ain't cheap out there and I'm an addict for makeup but I don't like using low-end products despite being a peasant.

Once, I helped them out at their relatively new academy. To my surprise, there was only one student during that time. It's good for the student but awkward for me. But it was good, their teacher is a sweetheart so I don't mind. Normally, there'd be more than 3 students per batch. Small class, always have been.

Okay, their new academy is in town, their no longer premise used for teaching (still in use but as a shop), was also in town. But this time, it's on the skirts of town rather than being in the centre of town, so it's a bit harder for us to find food for lunch.

That being a one-on-one class is good because the future make up artist would talk to me (or maybe she's the only who's really nice), so we talked a lot with or without the teacher. And she asked for out for lunch, dont get me wrong, but most of the time when I'm helping, I'd be having lunch by myself (loner by default), so I was really thrilled.

She bought me to lunch at a cosy cafe right beside the academy. And then it struck me that...I need to draw out money, because....we're eating in a quiant place in town, it ought to cost more than 10 dollars. I had 20, and I'm the type who prefers to have spare cash even after spending it on neccessaties. I'm torn, but I'm like to hell with it, and just go in the shop with her.

Ordered a grilled/smoked salmon sandwich, (because it's a cafe, and it didn't bear any sign of y'know, it being halal otr not, there's lots of angmoh's so yeah guess not, and mind you, I'm working on this aspect of mine). So, going for fish is safest and salmon is the only fish in the menu, and salmon being salmon, it's a wee bit expensive. So damn. But I ordered anyways.

The dish came, with some chips and salad on the side, and oh my god, that's the nicest combi I've ever tried. And the nicest salad at that, they sprinkled sunflower seeds on the salad, brilliant, tastes so good.

So we talked a lot over lunch as well (didn't know I had this in me, but I guess its the company I'm in, with clicked and most didn't ha). She's an adult like super adult, with kids and stuffs, so I'm surprised as well.

Our meal ended and we asked for the bill.

Normally, I'd be fumbling for my wallet and fumbling with my money. Fumbled for a bit till I get the amount right. She didn't, she whipped out a fifty and settled both of our bills, and says that it's on her. Like omg how cool is that.

From that day on, I wish and envisioned myself to be like that once I become a super adult.

God, I find inspiration in the weirdest of situation.
 Anyways, the drink I ordered is super nice too.

After that i went straight to school, because I'm supposed to be involved in TP's orientation. so lul. Forgive my priorities. Vanity first.
 The make up for that day.
 Love the lipstick.

 And ostrish eye lash. She 's rich I'd tell you, she used the REAL MUFE fake eyelashes. Most people just buy an off-brand lash and would take it and use it on others. (they cleaned it first of course).  But not her, so omg. And those MUFE eyelashes don't come cheap.

Thanks, to her, I have 2 MUFE eyelashes fitted for my eyes. haha

 Went to school straight because I'm super late.
Late I am.

So I joined HSSFO and learnt how to ride a pennyboard.
I'd love to have one....another thing to put in my wants list then.




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