Thursday, May 22, 2014

Tupai laut.

Les vacances dernier, I had this for lunch.

It's a self service kind of lunch where you pick what you wanna eat. In Malaysia, everything is basically the same as in Singapore (food-wise), so I was looking for something local, like something special to that region (Sabah).

And I saw this.
It's sea weed.
So weird.

Seaweed in Malay is Rumpai Laut, or was it rumput laut?
I don't know, but i am known for having hearing difficulty, I heard the cashier saying its tupai laut, when I asked her what's this.

Tupai laut means, sea squirrel.

I'm like what the hell, is it sandy or something?

So I took some and had a few.

It taste...weird. Maybe it has to be cooked longer? Since its sea stuff, it taste very...umi.

And I dipped it in chilli, when I thought its soya sauce since its totally black with no chilli residues.

Spicy sea.

Didn't finish it.

End of story.



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