Thursday, February 19, 2015

I thought....

I was pretty good in artsy fartsy kinda stuff, but I am not.
I thought I would be good in doing scrap booking for one of my group projects in poly but, lul nope.

 Here's the layout. Too much photos and too little space/pages.
Cause everyone is working with less than 3 pages per topic or pages assigned.
We bought a 'cheat sheet' scrapbook, so the placement of the things and all are provided. Yet, mine still looked ugly.

And mind you, this is before I beautify the piece with my awesome handwriting.

pink backdrop

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

tempura x cha soba

I think I will always like to try to make Japanese food at home, because it's healthy and pretty easy to make.

But the thing is, although it is pretty to make (in terms of the steps needed to take), the flavour will always seems off.

I think its because of the soy sauce I bought. For Japanese soy sauce, it's hard to find one which is halal or those that does not contain any alcohol. /the challenge is real/

The ones without alcohol are the one that taste weird. Like seriously, the soy sauce I'm using now is soy based and it is so thick and strong, even when diluted it still taste strong. I'm not sure if that is supposed to be good or not. And it does not taste anywhere near Kikkoman's lovely soy sauce.

/first world soy sauce problems/

picnic x bicycles

 Chilling with em gals.
Circa 2013.

Friday, January 2, 2015

[read a book] The mysteries by Lisa Tuttle

An interesting book is this book. 

I bought to KL to be read during my break, I opened the book in KL to read it when i found a dog tag at the middle of the book. And i was like "あれ? I swear i havent read this one yet."

So i went to the first page and read from the start only to realise that I read it already.
Then i remembered reading a little bit while at home in Singapore. A LITTLE BIT.

I have an affinity to fantasy like novels so yeah. Maybe. But this book is awesome. I wonder if there is a sequel to it or not.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

circa 2013-2014: the formal-wear shawl

 i don't know about others but there's always this one shawl that I will always wear for formal presentation, or for any presentation for that matter.
 Because I think it's really nice for formal wear. It has that chic and authoritative feel. (or maybe that's just me). Like fierce. Hur

 For picture, I either go for a kawaii-attempt look (smiling or something).


I go bitch resting face and try to act fierce and vogue.

 Must selca.
 Cause formal wear is no common feat.

Trying to look fierce all the time.
Oh the things I do. (or the things my friends made me do)

Thursday, December 18, 2014

[read a book] The architect's apprentice.

By Eliff Shafak.

I gotta say that this book is pretty good and entertaining to read.

At first, I wasn't sure if I'd really like to read this book. Cause the genre is way of my usual chart.

But, I'm glad I did.

It's very or rather Islamic based, although it's not a religious book of any kind. Cause the setting is during the ottoman empire, and they're predominantly Muslims, so yeah.

Very rich in culture and traditions in a way though.

Shocking in some areas.
Like, I am not sure if the author is narrating a fact or fiction.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Life in university is getting better I guess, found a friend that has been hanging out with me a few times now.

Phew. Just when I thought I was becoming the opposite of the wanted.

On the day this photo was taken, we watched 'the pyramid', a horror flick which left people baffled. Like seriously, the ending deserves a round of what the hell. Cliff-hanger much. Wait, I don't even think it's a cliffhanger, maybe it is, but I dislike a horror movie or story or whatever that has no good ending, or with no conclusion. Cause that just sucks.

Overall, it's good I guess, so much suspense and jump scares. There are a couple of flaws in it, as always. Like there's missing parts that you'll realise it's missing if you ponder upon the question 'wth did I just watched?' like some parts are there but you don't where the hell it came from or why the hell they're there.


Then you went to this l'hôtel cause my friend wanted to buy a ticket to go back to Singapore. And since we're here, a photo taking sesh.

I gotta say, I'm starting to become more step with time. Step cool, step sweet, step whatever. Step hippy.

Trying too hard much?

Even so, is it working?

Am I passing this phase?

Saturday, December 13, 2014

[read a book] birdman by Mo Hayder

I've read a couple of Mo Hayder's book before this one, and every single book has never failed to keep me at the edge of my seat and keep on reading it.

This is the first book to her Jack Caffery series if im not wrong.

Jack Caffery is said to be a rather hot dude detective but i can't picture him to be like so, cause I've watched a Korean drama who has an old geezer as detective so...(* ̄ー ̄)

Anyways, the genre of the book suits me so well. And i love love love it.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Cactus post II

FYI: They're both dying.

Shriveling and slowly dying from the bottom up.

Green fingers.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Cactus post

I wanted a plant in my room, so that in won't look so dead and non-living looking.
So i decided to get a cactus, because it cleans the air well.

Well, another reason to get a plant in my room because at night, we gotta close the windows so that pesky flies or insects wouldn't go in. It's so annoying.

I'd rather let the cold air in for ventilation (i'm big on ventilation). But I can't, else I'd risk getting annoying  creatures on my lights, my bed, my table. If they don't dangerous, I seriously wouldn't mind them. But they look scary. So yeah.

Plus I researched a bit on cactus first before getting any, they clean the air well, so bingo. And unlike most other plant, they give out oxygen at night as well, double whooh!!! Because we need oxygen when we sleep don't we.

 So my first cactus is a small dude from Singapore.
 Better start small yeah?

Yes, I smuggled this dude from Singapore.
 It's so small and cute, ain't it?
 I named it "Baby's wrath".

Because it pricked me, and it hurts like shit.

 A few days later,

My friend and I went for some hardware shopping in KL.

We went to Giant and I saw this beauty.
 I got it of course.
So cute.

I name this beauty " Bulbasaur"
after the Pokemon.
 Because it seriously reminds me of him (if Bulbasaur is a dude)

Although they're not in a prime condition anymore, because after summer semester has ended, we had a short 2 weeks summer vacation.

And these dudes....didn't get any water for 2 week (;_;)

Baby's wrath gets shriveled up at the sides a bit, but it's recuperating! and getting better,

However, for Bulbasaur,

it shriveled up at the bottom!
And even up until now, it doesn't look like it's getting better (;_;)
I hope it gets better.
Please unshrivel!!!

Recently, I cut some of the shriveled parts, so I really hope it gets better.
Else, I will seriously be sad.

I bought Bulbasaur for RM12!
I don't wanna buy another cactus!

*prays hard*

The roommate post 2.

 I just want to reiterate that i get along well with my new-found 2 roommates.

Although there are some ups and downs about them (story for another day if I'm not lazy).

So most of the bit in the previous post happens during our summer semester.
Come towards the end of summer semester, we discovered a huge box on top of the wardrobe of the empty room.

Oh I forgot to mention that one of my Indonesian roommates now stays in the room that the Vietnamese initailly 'resides' in.

Back to the story, the box loos peculiarly familiar to me, but I just dismissed the idea.
The idea: the box looks like the box that was in my Vietnamese friend room.
I totally dismissed the idea because like...err why would you move back in here when you've bailed out right?
So yeah.

None of us saw who put the box there, was mysterious. Haha.

Comes the start of the new semester.
And lo and behold, we finally came round to see this new roommate.

I didn't greet the new kid until my 2nd day or so because man I was busy. School pfft.
Turns out, she's Vietnamese.
And turns out, she was the ex-roomy.



History repeats itself, she didn't stay there for the night. Well not until the 2nd week when she had unpacked all of her shit and bring all of her shit together.

(before I found out that it's her)
My 2 other roomy is pretty cute, they were like *comes into my room* *talks in a whisper* Do you know her? Have you talked to her?

I replied, no I haven't.  They were like "talk to her"
Me: okay *goes into her room* *greets her* *sees that her face is damn familiar*
*find out that she's the one that leaves me*

She's nice but has this unfriendly aura. My other roommate was nervous to talk to her.

Seriously, she puts a curtain on her door. Privacy much. Anti-social much.
Not that I dislike her.


Well maybe a little, for being a jerk...
for leaving without notice.


So, up until now (3rd week of new semester).

us (3 roomy inclu. me) and the new roomy(ex roomy) have not really talked much as compared to me and my 2 other roomy.

I hope this changes soon.

I got 2 cacti's for myself.

Cactus post up soon.

The roommate post

Whenever I'm in school, I'm living in a dormitary.
And in dorms, it's common for you to share a 'house' among people, or other students for that matter. Same goes to me, my living facilities is being shared among 4 people.

Initially when I freshly moved in (the first day), there was this one other kid in the house. This Vietnamese kid, but come nighttime, she would stay at her friend's place, and I'll be alone.
I know this because when I first stepped into the 'house' with my family, she was there with hers. My family being a tad bit social asked questions. So I know. She has a friend (senior) here, I assume she's living with her.
On my first night in this rural facility...I'm sure as hell that I'm not going to stay alone in this new environment. Luckily for me, I have a couple of Singaporean friends living on the same level.
Mind you, when I enter, the dorm is practically a ghost town because everyone is on summer vacation. (-.-)

So I spend a night at my friend's place, when deep inside I'm like damn you roommate. Haha who wouldn't, you have so much shit to do (unpack and clean) yet, you're scared to live there alone because it's new and strange, you've prepared yourself that yay you have a roommate, but when night comes she ain't there. So damn you girl.
This goes on, but comes the 2nd or 3rd day, I'm like screw this, I'm just going to live there alone. Because it's so tedious to carry my bedsheets and pillow to crash my friend's place. 
So, live by myself I did, for about 2 weeks or so? Until the short summer vacation starts, and there's 2 other roommates who came in and live with us.

My lonely days were horrid (food poisoning and being sickly), but other than that it's fine. It's not that scary as I thought it would be. 

Oh, during the span of my lonely days, the Vietnamese kid moved out, like seriously wtf.
I know this because her room became slate clean and her luggage ain't there anymore. -.- It's okay, I've been alone from the start and I don't even know her so whatever. Screw it.


The summer semester starts and I suddenly have a +2 new roommates! YAY!
They're Indonesians, and unlike my ex-roomy, they actually lived in the 'house'. So no more lonely days for me. Haha.

Although on some days towards the end of the summer vacation, I find myself alone in the room (what's with me and being alone man). But like I said, it's cool.
They came back. HAHA

They're nice and all, I'd like to say we got on pretty well because shortly after, I was invited to celebrate one of my roomy's birthday together with their clique. So I'm like wow thanks.
We did a planned birthday surprise for her during sahur, (it was Ramadhan for most part of the summer semester). That went well. 
I wasn't really awkward because they're nice. They speak in English to me (I don't know why), and Indonesian with one another (ain't awkward because I understand what they're talking about).
One of my roomy(the one who we held a surprise for) is really nice, she likes to engage in a conversation with me, so aww. Someone wnats to be my friend. ha

Here are some of the photos of the said birthday surprise.

I couldn't finish my slice of cake because there's lots of cream on it. And I have a strong dislike against creams. (FML)

I just can't bring myself to eat cream, like eww so disgusting.

Roommate 2 will come up soon enough.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Earlier this year (2014)

 Froyo with these peeps.
We took a whole lot of photos during this sesh.

I don't know where the pictures have gone (it's not from my phone)

No worries though, because I doubt I will forget their faces anytime soon.

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