Friday, September 26, 2014

The roommate post 2.

 I just want to reiterate that i get along well with my new-found 2 roommates.

Although there are some ups and downs about them (story for another day if I'm not lazy).

So most of the bit in the previous post happens during our summer semester.
Come towards the end of summer semester, we discovered a huge box on top of the wardrobe of the empty room.

Oh I forgot to mention that one of my Indonesian roommates now stays in the room that the Vietnamese initailly 'resides' in.

Back to the story, the box loos peculiarly familiar to me, but I just dismissed the idea.
The idea: the box looks like the box that was in my Vietnamese friend room.
I totally dismissed the idea because like...err why would you move back in here when you've bailed out right?
So yeah.

None of us saw who put the box there, was mysterious. Haha.

Comes the start of the new semester.
And lo and behold, we finally came round to see this new roommate.

I didn't greet the new kid until my 2nd day or so because man I was busy. School pfft.
Turns out, she's Vietnamese.
And turns out, she was the ex-roomy.



History repeats itself, she didn't stay there for the night. Well not until the 2nd week when she had unpacked all of her shit and bring all of her shit together.

(before I found out that it's her)
My 2 other roomy is pretty cute, they were like *comes into my room* *talks in a whisper* Do you know her? Have you talked to her?

I replied, no I haven't.  They were like "talk to her"
Me: okay *goes into her room* *greets her* *sees that her face is damn familiar*
*find out that she's the one that leaves me*

She's nice but has this unfriendly aura. My other roommate was nervous to talk to her.

Seriously, she puts a curtain on her door. Privacy much. Anti-social much.
Not that I dislike her.


Well maybe a little, for being a jerk...
for leaving without notice.


So, up until now (3rd week of new semester).

us (3 roomy inclu. me) and the new roomy(ex roomy) have not really talked much as compared to me and my 2 other roomy.

I hope this changes soon.

I got 2 cacti's for myself.

Cactus post up soon.



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