Tuesday, January 13, 2015

tempura x cha soba

I think I will always like to try to make Japanese food at home, because it's healthy and pretty easy to make.

But the thing is, although it is pretty to make (in terms of the steps needed to take), the flavour will always seems off.

I think its because of the soy sauce I bought. For Japanese soy sauce, it's hard to find one which is halal or those that does not contain any alcohol. /the challenge is real/

The ones without alcohol are the one that taste weird. Like seriously, the soy sauce I'm using now is soy based and it is so thick and strong, even when diluted it still taste strong. I'm not sure if that is supposed to be good or not. And it does not taste anywhere near Kikkoman's lovely soy sauce.

/first world soy sauce problems/



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